FAITH AND WORK  is a Christian movement that brought together believers from many different religious denominations - Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals and Neopentecostals. Brought people who normally do not join. Met brothers who did not know.

All around a single goal: to save souls or, in practice, preach the Gospel to people being baptized (Matthew 28.19,20). As a family, this movement grows when more Christians to join him.

The site of action of the movement is the company, work of entrepreneurs, executives, employees and workers. An industry, trade, a workshop, a workshop, a school, a service provider saw fields of missionary activity, the fraternal coexistence of Christian fellowship, subsistence materials, production of social goods.

It is a true missionary, a company that makes a work for God (1 Cor 10:31, Col. 3:23). It is no coincidence that in 2005 were identified in the U.S. 14 thousand organizations seeking to integrate faith and work.1 And has the formal recognition of ministries in the workplace, such as Avodah Institute, Faith in the Workplace, Global Harvest Ministries, International Coalition of Workplace Ministries, and universities Princeton University and Harvard University.

Sharing the Faith and Work Movement, we will be together accelerating the growth of the kingdom of God on earth. To participate, you can pray and donate some of your time and resources starting a Corporate Church in your workplace. Wrap your brothers in Christ, your business in this movement. Help us to prove that "integrate faith and work" is a great deal. Surrender to what money can not buy eternal life. For as Jesus said: "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Matt. 16:26).

For more information visit the "Blog Faith and Work Movement"  

1. Os Hillman quoted by Peter Wagner. Christians in the workplace. São Paulo: Editora Vida, 2007, p.100.

Um comentário:

  1. Oi, vim conhecer seu blog, e desejar bom fim de semana

    aguardo sua visita :)
