"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead in itself." (James 2:17)

Faith has a role to play in all areas of life, including work.

Although Faith and Work are distinct concepts, the Bible says there is a connection between them. In fact, the biblical word Avodah means much work as worship. The Apostle Paul acknowledges that we must do "everything for the glory of God", and that includes work (1 Cor 10:31). Our work can be a form of worship, a way to honor God and serve society.

It is not God's intention that our faith is confined to the environment of a church or religious services, but that may be experienced throughout our daily life, our family, our community, and also in our workplace. We can be Christians when we enter our office, workshop or job. There should be integration between what we do with what we believe. The true Christian is a Christian every day of the week, and not just on Sundays at church.

People are looking for a meaning to your work. Faith is a powerful resource for ethical guidance and success at work. The challenge of the Christian is to live their faith daily and increase their awareness of God's presence in his work. This is only possible when we understand the role of God in what we do:

God, in the first chapter of the Bible is presented as if working on creating a material world "very good" (Gen. 1:31). God instructed men and women to serve as "stewards" of creation: ensuring that the nature, benefiting humanity and glorifying God (Gen 1.26-28). Moreover, God gave humans the gifts and talents that should be employed in carrying out this work. So, working in the business world is a spiritual vocation legitimate and valid.

Jesus as the Son of God, left us the command to be salt and light in the world, including our work (Mat 5.13-16). After all, Jesus was a skilled worker and many of his disciples were small entrepreneurs. More than 50 percent of the parables of Jesus were related to work environment. Jesus offers the potential for transformation to all people, including men and women in business (Mat. 11:28).

The Holy Spirit as the Comforter, sent by the Father to guide us, teach and enlighten all areas of our lives, including work (John 14:25). Through the Holy Spirit, businessmen are able to discern and obey the voice of God in a world full of tensions and imperfections. The Holy Spirit is a power that can be used by Christians in the workplace.

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