"So whether you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Cor 10:31)

"Religion and business do not mix." "The ministry is only performed with a congregational. These are, without doubt, statements coming directly from hell to divide the church of Christ in caste systems, where the "clerics" are superiors of the "laity." There is no concept of "second-class citizens" in the kingdom of God.

Many religious leaders make a distinction between "secular work" and "sacred work", one is considered profane and another saint. This idea is unbiblical. All believers should work "as unto the Lord and not unto men" (Col. 3:23), doing "everything for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31).

The word "ministry" of the Greek diakonia, is also translated as "service". Where we are serving someone else, we are fulfilling the biblical ministry.

"What we do in the workplace, Monday through Saturday, is really ministry. Christians who act as bus drivers, farmers, managers or supervisors at corporations, electricians, television producers in elective public office, teachers, journalists, housewives and mothers are all envolvidosno ministry. [...].
If you're playing in a symphony orchestra, is ministering to an audience. If you are flying an airplane, is ministering to its passengers. If you are serving tables at a restaurant, is ministering to customers. If you are selling car insurance, installing a carpet, working in an accounting office or coaching a team is ministering. All of these functions clearly fit the biblical term diakonia." (Peter Wagner. Christians in the workplace, 2007, p. 136).

We renew our paradigm and no longer think of religion as opposed to work, but, rather, that gives you purpose.

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